I'm sooooo fucking dead.
radiotimes photoshooting 2012
I don't own any pics and thanks for sharing!!
總之應該要有誰來寫個morden AU才對呀!
PS 本季應該是最後一季了,Colin變得超會吐槽的,其實聽起來有點臭屁我覺得XD
The cast of Merlin used tob e kids‘ favourites, but now they’ve come of age
Is it true to say you’re now all older and wiser?
Colin Morgan For sure. Until now it’s always been Merlin as a boy and when’s he going to become this great warlock that he’s destined to be and that we know from legend. For the first time we’re seeing that legend – or flashes of it.
Angel Coulby The show has definitely grown up, just as we’ve grown up and the fans, too. I’m thrilled because Gwen is a lot more glamorous this year.
Katie McGrath Morgana has stopped being a good little princess and started to become the evil sorceress of legend. It’s really nice to play someone who’s that in control and powerful; bad girls get all the best lines!
Bradley James Three years have passed between this series and the last because Camelot has been enjoying prosperity and peace, which isn’t that interesting from a dramatic perspective. But now evil is about to rear its ugly head again…
So how old are your characters now?
Colin Interesting question. Essentially we’re ageless; we’re cartoon characters like the Simpsons, so we don’t change. Hence why I’ve been wearing the same costume since I first arrived in Camelot – that scrubby brown jacket and scarf – and why Merlin has never had to learn to shave.
You look sharp, dressed to the nines. Was it a relief to be out of medieval garb: chainmal and corsets?
Colin As an actor, I’m wondering: why would I wear my scarf while I’m eating supper? It doesn’t make sense. But when I once appeared without it the producer almost had a heart attack.
Bradley I wear chainmail for 12 hours a day and by the end… let’s just say you know about it! Chainmail amplifies your temperature, so if it’s hot you cook, and if it’s cold you freeze.
Katie I used to get jealous of Angel because she’d be in the same costume all day whereas I was constantly being pulled into wardrobe to get changed and have my make-up redone. Now it’s the reverse. I get to relax and have nap-time while Angel has to spend an extra four or five hours a day being buckled into corsets and sitting in the make-up chair.
Angel Gwen’s costumes are beautiful, sexy, off-shoulder numbers. After four years of shabbiness I’m not complaining!
What has four years of swords and sorcery taught you?
Colin To have a vivid imagination because Kilgharrah – our dragon – sometimes gets tired, so I have our scenes without him, unfortunately. And Old English. Sadly, Old English chat-up lines don’t go down so well with modern ladies; they tend to run the other way.
Bradley Horse riding, sword fighting, how to sign my name at the speed of light. (LOL)I used to take a lot of time over the signature and write a little message when asked for my autograph. Now I get out of there as quickly as possible. Otherwise they smell fresh meat and suddenly come at you from all sides. It’s like that zombie film 28 Days Later.
Angel Sword-fighting, although I’m always jealous of all the swashbuckling the boys do because we girls don’t get to do quite as much.
Katie I can walk in heels, which I couldn’t do before Merlin. When she was good, Morgana had very high heels; now she gets to wear flats, which is another good thing about being bad – she’s a far more practical girl!
And what are you still struggling with?
Katie Trotting. I could sit on a horse and just about be OK, but as soon as the horse started trotting… there is something very inelegant about a horse trotting and I swear to God when you’re wearing a corset it doesn’t get any better.
Colin Sword-fighting. As much as I want to be good with a sword, I’ve been specifically told not to be good because magic is Merlin’s talent. So I’m deliberately bad at sword-fighting. Honest.
Bradley French. We film at a chateau in northern France and after all these years you’d think I’d be fluent; I can order a croissant.
Are you inundated with fan mail?`
Colin You can’t say without sounding arrogant! But yes, there’s a lot of support: it can be a little five-year-old from Canada who says he wants Merlin to wave at him next week when it’s on TV because he thinks it’s real; or you could have a 50-year-old woman from Germany who believes you’re meant to be together.
Katie It all goes to the BBC and my agent so they take out the ones they don’t think I’ll want to read. So I only get the lovely ones that say, “I think you’re amazing, can you sign this?” I’ve had dolls, hats, jewellery, a couple of marriage proposals, which is very flattering, and a lot of food – apparently Morgana looks hungry!
Bradley You get an idea of when the show is airing in specific parts of the world – a lot of post from Italy one month and Australia the next. People relate to the show, no matter what country they come from: that’s really flattering.
Angel Fans even turn up at the chateau in France from as far afield as Australia. One woman dressed up as Percival and knitted a chainmail cardigan with straps, cuffs and cloak.
Katie My favourites were the two 40-year-old women dressed as princesses with ferrets. The ferrets were dressed as Merlin.
Isn’t it supposed to be a kid’s programme`?
Bradley It’s a very wide age range. As the years have gone by, they’ve steered it away from being a kid’s show. It’s grown-up. We’ve grown-up.
Angel It’s become a lot darker; but it’s handled well: something terrible will happen and then there’ll be banter between Merlin and Arthur.
Colin We meet fans in their 20s right up until their 80s.
What do you make of the comparisons to Harry Potter?
Colin It’s important to grow with your audience and, in that respect, Merlin is similar because it’s not been afraid to hold back. We started as a colourful kid’s show and have become something that for the genre is very sophisticated.
Are the rumours of a Merlin movie true?
Angel I have heard people talking about it, so you never know.
Katie It would be fantastic but I don’t know when we’d fit it in with the eight months’ filming that we do. Do you know, in four years, this is the first time we’ve done a photoshoot together?
Bradley I think we’re going to see how this series goes before thinking about series six or anything else. That’s been the philosophy at the end of each year. The key is you don’t want to do something that isn’t better than what we’ve just done.
Colin Fantasy is so in right now. It’s not just Harry Potter; look at the success of Game of Thrones and all the excitement about the new Lord of the Rings film, The Hobbit. Long may it live!