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maroon5:【this love】

maroon5:【this love】
I was so high I did not recognize 我昏了頭 沒有發覺
The fire burning in her eyes 她眼中的怒火
The chaos that controlled my mind 我腦海一片混亂
Whispered goodbye as she got on a plane 悄聲說再見 她頭也不回登上飛機Never to return again 永遠離開了我
But always in my heart 而我卻無法忘記她

This love has taken it's toll on me 這熊熊烈愛讓我付出慘痛代價
She said goodbye too many times before 以前她說過太多次的再見
And her heart is breaking in front of me 她的心在我面前片片碎落
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore 我已沒有選擇的餘地 因為我不想再度道別

I tried my best to feed her appetite 我曾盡力的取悅她
Keep her coming every night 讓她每晚都開心
So hard to keep her satisfied 我曾努力的滿足她
Kept playing love like it was just a game 她卻將愛情當作是一場遊戲
Pretending to feel the same 假裝沒有感覺
Then turn around and leave again 然後再度離我遠去

This love has taken it's toll on me 這熊熊烈愛讓我付出慘痛代價
She said goodbye too many times before 以前她說過太多次的再見
And her heart is breaking in front of me 她的心在我面前片片碎落
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore 我已沒有選擇的餘地 因為我不想再度道別

I'll fix these broken things 我要彌補過去的錯
Repair your broken wings 修復你的折翼
And make sure everything is alright 我要讓一切都好轉
My pressure on her hips 這烈愛的激情 Sinking my fingertips 滲透我的指尖
Into every inch of you 進入妳的每一吋肌膚
Cause I know that's what you want me to do 因為我知道你要我這麼做

This love has taken it's toll on me 這熊熊烈愛讓我付出慘痛代價
She said goodbye too many times before 以前她說過太多次的再見
And her heart is breaking in front of me 她的心在我面前片片碎落
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore 我已沒有選擇的餘地 因為我不想再次道別

4 則留言:

  1. 呵呵 這首不錯聽 我也挺喜歡這主唱的聲音<br />
    <br />
    這首 ktv可以點來唱唷 and....<br />
    <br />
    MV 夠煽情 呼~~~~~ ^+++++++++^

  2. 呵呵呵<br />
    是啊是啊<br />
    你重出江湖啦?<br />
    我還是沒接到你電話.....有什麼事嗎????快tell me!!!

  3. 這首歌是好久以前的歌喔<br />
    你也會聽英文歌阿 高素質喔

  4. 請問趙(哥OR姐)你是哪位?<br />
    我承認我素質是滿高的啦(←毆)<br />
    但並不是聽英文歌才變那麼高的哦<br />
